Aussie bush animals help children with family separation
This innovative publication is helping Australian children deal with the various personal issues caused by family separations, by examining the ways Australian bush animals raise their young.
Bidge’s Mob, is a beautifully illustrated story which has been especially written by Gaye Dell for Australian children (and their parents) to tackle separation issues in a unique and very Australian way.
The story follows an aboriginal child who goes for a visit with his grandfather and extended family in the country, and learns about the many different kinds of animal families and support structures used for raising their young. Bidge finds many similarities between the animals and his own situation, and the book examines his feelings and the importance of extended family in his life. It’s a message that would no doubt resonate with many thousands of children Australia-wide.”
Understanding a new family structure
Examples of animal structures in the book:
- Nuclear families: Dingoes, Brolgas, Parrots
- Nuclear with extended family assistance: Kookaburras, Magpies
- Community rearing: Penguins, Dolphins
- Absent parent families: Tiger snakes,Crocodiles, White sharks
- One parent, multiple partners:Lyre birds, Bower birds
- Single Fathers: Emus, Cassowarys, Mallee fowls
- Single Mothers: Koalas,Wombats, Tasmanian Devils, Bats, Echidnas
A sampling of spreads & illustrations: