The Listeners go to the Contact Centre helps children understand that not all families stay together, sometimes they decide to separate and live in different places. When that happens to a family, the Mums, Dads and children can go to a Contact Centre where they can talk to someone who can help them understand the changes in their lives.
This is one in a series of six booklets that address some of the most critical issues children and the families of today face. The books are written in a quiet, simple language with a sensitivity that will appeal to all ages.
The Listeners cartoon sock puppets, are non- gender, non-age-specific and reach dissimilar cultures and backgrounds in the same reassuring manner.
Click to see & hear this book on YouTube
Example spreads:
Children are made up of little bits of their Mum and little bits of their Dad and it’s really natural that they want to see both of them…and know both of them.
Then there are times when things have gone so terribly wrong, Mum and Dad have to go to court and talk to a judge. The judge tries to listen to the whole family, to decide if it’s better to have supervised visits for a while.
Others in the series:
The Listeners go to Counselling
The Listeners go to the Family Centre
The Listeners make a Parenting Plan
The Listeners get Two Homes
The Listeners Change Homes